Tami wants to extend a
special thank you to all
those who have helped
her in various capacities.
Without you, none of this
would be possible:
Shawn Bates
Dan Blanchard
Pedro Cafasso Bree DeMoss
Kelli Dempsey
Gary DeSellier
Lucy Fine
Tanya Fleischer
The Hartley-Burress
Nancy Held
Robert David Irish
The Jachinowski Family
Vicki Janin
Eng Kuan Khoo
Rod Lamkey, Jr.
Ricardo Lemvo
Kristie Lilje
Henry Lim Sarah McMoyler
Lenore Naxon
Sam Ossalaer
Lisa Ota
Dmitry Panich
Mike Parik
Kathy Peck
Marsha Podd
William Porter
Owen Prell
Tanya Rauzi
AnnMarie Richard
Jeff Robbins
Olivier Robert
Staci Roos
Liz Scarpelli
Nathan Schulman
Ted Thayer
Chris Tieg
The Tigres
Jennifer Torres
Jennifer Tyson
Ché Waterman
Paul Wong
Emerald Yeh
Plus, thanks to all of the
families who signed photo
releases for use on the
web site and elsewhere,
and anyone else weve
missed. Were only
just beginning!