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Tami has been photographing babies and toddlers in San Francisco’s Bay Area since 1986, and she still remains captivated by their innocence and spontaneity. Her clients will tell you that she has an astonishing ability to anticipate each child’s expression and knows exactly when to trip the shutter to get the shot... that's the skill that separates her from her peers.

Tami is involved in every step of the creative process with every client. As the only photographer in the studio, she personally gets to know each family - in many cases, over the course of several years.

She prefers to shoot in black and white with minimal props to capture your child’s natural expressions and personality.

Known for her energetic disposition and passion for photography, Tami often accepts speaking engagements with parent education groups and mothers' groups around the Bay Area. These audiences appreciate her dynamic speaking ability and find her workshop titled "Tips on photographing your baby" both educational and engaging. Tami also has permanent exhibits at several locations around the Bay Area.

Please visit Tami's personal portfolio to learn more about her work outside the studio.

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