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A Note From Tami

"Babies, babies, babies! I can’t seem to get enough of them! Even when I’m not working and see them on the street, I want to stop the moms and tell them that 6 months is the best time to have their baby photographed, but unfortunately, most would think I’m crazy. I am a bit, you know…I bark like a dog and crawl around on my knees with Mr. Puppy attached to my hand like a crazy entertainer. That way I get the numerous expressions from the babies and toddlers that the parents (and I!) want to see. I don’t know what I did to deserve this wonderful career, but I sure am thankful!

My photography is my life. Even when I’m away from the studio, I often have my camera close by. After 31 years, I’m still thrilled to get new photos back from the lab and, now, to download from my digital camera for instant gratification.

The next time you’re trying to take some good photos, shoot a whole roll, relatively fast, avoid things in the background that you don’t want in the photos and get in close to your subject. If you’re outside, have the sun at your subject’s back and make the flash go off (“fill” or “forced” flash). With those few tips, you should find a marked improvement in your photos. Please let me know how they turn out!

I also want to send out a special thanks to everyone who has helped me! I could never do this without you (and your babies!)


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